Hence, a body that has less matter and more form, for instance, fire, is more active. For the highest and first intellects perceive the plan of the providential order in the ultimate end itself, which is the divine goodness, and some of them do so more clearly than others. [3] In fact, it is possible to know a cause from its effect, in many ways. [4] Besides, by the governance of every provident agent the things governed are led to a suitable end; hence, Gregory of Nyssa says of divine providence that it is the “will of God through which all things that exist receive a suitable end.” But the ultimate end of every creature is to attain the divine likeness, as we showed above. It is as if forms existing in matter were certain participations in those forms which exist without matter. In fact, God is indivisible, in the sense of existing entirely outside the genus of continuous things. But, just as one naturally desires felicity, so also does he naturally desire everlasting felicity; for, since he is everlasting in his substance, he desires to possess forever that object which is desired for its own sake and not because of something else. But there is in everything a proximate and immediate effect of God Himself. But this is only so because it injures the good, for to injure the evil is a good thing, since the corruption of evil is good. [7] Now, this is the light of which it is said in the Psalms (35:10): “In Thy light we shall see the light,” that is, of the divine substance. Hence it is said: “Behold I give you every herb bearing seed upon the earth, and all trees that have in themselves seed of their own kind, to be your meat, and to all the beasts of the earth” (Gen. 1:29-30). However, it would be an instance of chance evil if some wrong resulted in a few cases from the object intended: for example, in the case of a person who kills a man while shooting at a bird. [3] Besides, that toward which a thing tends, while it is beyond the thing, and in which it rests, when it is possessed, is the end for the thing. Now, more men seek delight than knowledge. Now, that which is utterly separate from body must be intellectual, as is evident from earlier considerations. But in this life this does not happen to anyone who is a mere man, nor could it happen, since we are not able to know in this life the separate substances, and they are most intelligible, as has been shown. [1] Now, from all the things that have been pointed out we may gather that, as far as the planning of the order to be imposed on things is concerned, God disposes everything by Himself. To the extent that it possesses being, it has something good; for, if good is that which all desire, then being itself must be called a good, because all desire to be. Therefore, the celestial bodies move and govern the lower bodies. 1:3). [11] Through this conclusion we are refuting the error of the Epicureans, who placed man’s felicity in these enjoyments. Such are the celestial bodies whose motions occur in ever the same way. Of course, the subject of evil is the good, and so the good will always endure. So, if the aforementioned pleasures were goods of themselves, the maximum enjoyment of them should be the best. And so, such repose is not the end, but rather a concomitant of the end. So, if accidental forms in corporeal things have their proper actions, by all the greater reason the substantial form has its proper action. Now, the intelligible form, by which the divine substance is seen, is the divine essence itself, and, though it becomes the intelligible form of the created intellect, the created intellect does not grasp it according to its entire capacity. But it is not found in these things. [3] Moreover, it is proper to divine Providence to use things according to their own mode. But that later way of knowing divine things, not by means of the speculative sciences but by a process of generation in the natural order, was made up by some of his commentators. Now, evil is in the good as in a subject, as has been indicated, and so it is necessary for evil to have a cause. [12] Also refuted is the error of the Cerinthians, for they told a fabulous story about ultimate felicity, that after the resurrection there would be, in the reign of Christ, a thousand years of carnal pleasures of the belly. Therefore, if a particular good that is intended has attached to it, either always or frequently, a privation of good according to reason, then the result is a moral evil; and not by chance, but either invariably or for the most part. [9] Secondly, let us consider it in regard to the reasons for the things that have been made: the intellect cannot know all of these unless it comprehend the divine goodness. Now, He is the cause even of these particular things, as is obvious from our previous statements.” So, He does take care of them. Now, “the cause of an attribute’s inherence in a subject always itself inheres in the subject more firmly than does the attribute.” Therefore, God is obviously the end of all things. And, in this actual understanding, it becomes most like God by understanding God Himself, for God understands all things in the act of understanding Himself,’as we proved in Book One [49]. Nor, indeed, is pleasure the ultimate end; it is its concomitant. Therefore, God Himself governs all things by His understanding and will. Chapter 72 [2] In fact, human felicity is incapable of being ordered to a further end, if it is ultimate. Nor may this be attributed to some defect in the agent, if it fail to convert poorly disposed matter into perfect act. For instance, we do not know anything by sight except according as it is colored. Or, if the natural power adequately produces the proper effect, it is superfluous for the divine power to act for the same effect. Chapter 10 Hence, the Philosopher says that “our intellect is to the most evident things, as the eye of the owl is to the light of the sun.” So, a created intellect needs to be strengthened by a divine light in order that it may be able to see the divine essence. Now, every being intends a good, when it is acting, as has been proved. So, according to this, He must be the immediate overseer of these things. [1] It is, consequently, apparent that all things are ordered to one good, as to their ultimate end. Hence, if honor is not the highest good, much less is glory. [4] Besides, in the case of all agent causes that are ordered, that which is last in the process of generation and first in intention is the proper product of the primary agent. And this or that particular good thing becomes an object of desire according as it is a likeness of prime goodness. My mouth shall discuss truth, and my lips shall detest the ungodly (Prov. [4] Besides, in any kind of causes, the first cause is more a cause than is the secondary cause, for a secondary cause is only a cause through the primary cause. Now, the natural appetite of the intellect is to know the genera and species and powers of all things, and the whole order of the universe; human investigation of each of the aforementioned items indicates this. Taken away, also, would be justice which rewards and punishes, if man could not freely do good or evil. Therefore, it considers actually at once all the things that it knows through this vision. [2] Again, whenever there is a highest member which surpasses others in a genus, we also find that there are degrees of more and less, depending on the greater proximity to, or distance from, this highest member. Men chiefly seek after this in the voluptuous life, and they become intemperate and incontinent through immoderation in regard to it. Now, species that have been made actually understood are joined with us, according to his theory, by means of the phantasms which are related to the possible intellect as colors to the visual power, but to the agent intellect as colors to light: as we see from the words of Aristotle in Book in of On the Soul [III, 5: 430a 15]. So, it is possible, in the case of things made and governed by God, for some defect and evil to be found, because of a defect of the secondary agents, even though there be no defect in God Himself. Hence it appears that pertinent to this order is the motion of the celestial bodies, from which bodies as universal causes, the particular effects in nature follow. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. [6] However, since we reach the knowledge of intelligible things from sensible things, we also take over the names proper to sense knowledge for intellectual knowledge, especially the ones which apply to sight, which, compared to the other senses, is more noble and more spiritual, and so more closely related to the intellect. So, this is required for its ultimate end which is felicity. Otherwise, if sport were an end in itself, the proper thing to do would be to play all the time, but that is not appropriate. So, the less it is in potency to this good, the less will it be a good. So, the highest good for man cannot be glory, for it consists in the fact that a person is well known. But, if He gives them universal regulations for their commands, since universal regulations cannot be applied in all cases, to particulars, especially in the case of variable things that do not always remain the same, these secondary or tertiary overseers would have to give orders at times that are contrary to the regulations given them for the things subject to their control. In the genus of this sort of likeness a being becomes more like God by actually understanding than by habitually or potentially understanding, because God is always actually understanding, as we proved in Book One [56]. Chapter 16 Therefore, since God is the universal cause of the whole of being, as we showed in Book Two [15], it must be that wherever being is found, the divine presence is also there. But we have shown that there is no succession in the aforesaid vision; instead, all things that are seen through it are seen at once, and in one view. Thus, blindness is said to corrupt sight, for it is itself the corruption of sight; similarly, whiteness is said to color a wall, when it is the actual color of the wall. But this is false. Therefore, the ordering of singulars is much more under the control of divine providence. [5] Furthermore, that which is necessary is always. For handsays: “Sitting Him,” that is, Christ, “on His right hand in heavenly places, above all principality, and power, and virtue, and dominion” (Eph. Thus, among created things, what God cares for most is the order of the universe. And the Lord says: “I will manifest Myself to him” (John 14:21). [2] Except for the fact of their contingency, and the fact that many of them come about by chance and fortune, it does not seem that providence is inapplicable to them. [10] And this is the view of our faith, concerning the understanding of separate substances by us after death, and not in this life. [7] So, it is evident from what has been said that, though God has His own perfect and complete goodness, in accord with His simple existing being, creatures do not attain the perfection of their goodness through their being alone, but through many things. These are put immediately in charge of human affairs. But all things are found, in their various degrees of goodness, to be subordinated to one highest good which is the cause of all goodness. [3] Now, since according to his opinion the possible intellect cannot understand separate substances, as has already been said, he thought that we will understand separate substances through the habitual understanding, in so far as the agent intellect, which he supposes to be a separate substance, becomes the form of the habitual understanding, and a form for us ourselves. 20:10), that to all who labor in the vineyard, though they may not do equal work, there is paid nevertheless the same reward, namely, a penny, because it is the same reward that is given to all, to be seen and enjoyed, namely, God. But the divine substance is always viewed with wonder by any created intellect, since no created intellect comprehends it. Even the thing that is moved also tends toward this, if it be a case of natural movement. Yet, this attribution is accidental, for privation, as such, is not the principle of any action. Therefore, God provides governance and regulation for things by the providence of His wisdom. So, we have to make a study of how we may see this immutable truth, or these eternal reasons, in this life, and thus judge other things in accord with this vision. And the more important the power is considered to be, the more does it depend on large numbers of people, which fact also contributes to its frailty, since what depends on many can be destroyed in many ways. In fact, each of them is a true thing but not truth, just as each is a being but not the very act of being. THAT THE MOTION OF THE HEAVENS COMES FROM AN INTELLECTUAL PRINCIPLE And so, in the case of the healing of an afflicted person, accomplished miraculously, it makes no difference whether the person is much or little afflicted. THAT FELICITY DOES NOT CONSIST IN THE OPERATION OF ART And this is what the Apostle professes concerning the knowledge of this life, for he says: “We see now through a glass in a dark manner” (1 Cor. Indeed, the divine intellect sees its substance as perfectly as its perfect capacity to be seen permits. Therefore, they are capable of ruling the lower intellectual natures. For, if he is still moved onward to something else, he does not yet have the end in which he may rest. [9] From this it is evident that, though evil be apart from intention, it is nonetheless voluntary, as the second argument suggests, though not essentially but accidentally so. Consequently, in any demonstration through which the proper accidents become known to us, we take as our principle that which is, as is stated in Posterior Analytics I [4: 73a 37]. For instance, when the generation of air is perfected it has a development and complete movement upward, but not such that it is moved to the place proper to fire. THAT GOD IS EVERYWHERE This is evident in he case of people in whom vicious habits have developed already, as a result of their growing accustomed to sinning. For the proper object of the will is the good and the end. And so, it is infinitely removed from God. [7] Furthermore, if the agent intellect is a separate substance, it cannot be joined to us except through species that have been made actually understood, according to this theory; and neither can the possible intellect, even though the possible intellect is related to these species as matter to form, while, conversely, the agent intellect is as form to matter. So, man’s ultimate felicity does not lie in the knowledge of faith. In fact, we see that nature has associated pleasure with those operations of animals that are clearly ordered to necessary ends; such as to the eating of food, for this is ordered to the preservation of the individual; and to the use of sexual capacities, for this is ordered to the preservation of the species. Therefore, the aforementioned knowledge is not enough for our felicity. Now, the human intellect has a greater desire, and love, and pleasure, in knowing divine matters than it has in the perfect knowledge of the lowest things, even though it can grasp but little concerning divine things. [6] In this vision, of course, we become most like unto God, and we are partakers in His happiness. Thus, then, shall we see God face to face, in the sense that we shall see Him without a medium, as is true when we see a man face to face. [11] Yet, we must not think that He is present in things, in the sense of being combined with them as one of their parts. For, if it is supposed to be a material power, capable of generation and corruption, as some have claimed, then it follows that it is limited by its own substance to the understanding of material things. [4] Again, felicity is the end of human acts. Therefore, felicity does not consist in the operation of prudence. Hence, although any one of them is good in so far as it exists, it cannot be called good, without qualification, if it lack any other things required for its goodness. So, too, the posterior end is the cause of the preceding end being intended as an end, for a thing is not moved toward a proximate end unless for the sake of a last end. But in the whole of reality things are distinct and possessed of contrary natures; yet all come together in one order, and while some things make use of the actions of others, some are also helped or commanded by others. It will be, then, either the human soul or a part of it, and not some separate substance as Alexander claimed. Therefore, more things are knowable through the divine essence than any created intellect can see, through the aforesaid essence. For which reason our Lord promises us “a reward in heaven” and says that the saints “shall be as the angels... who always see God in heaven,” as it is said (Matt- 5:12; 22:30; 18:10). Therefore, divine providence also applies to singulars. But, if what is primarily understood by the possible intellect is something having a quiddity, we can abstract through the possible intellect the quiddity of that which is primarily understood. [4] Besides, every agent acts perfectly to the extent that it participates in the form which is the principle of its operation. Now, we find one thing in common among causes that produce something: they take care of their products. [2] Indeed, a thing is futile which exists for an end which it cannot attain. Thus, Aristotle proves, in On the Heavens I [8: 27a 18], that natural motion in a straight line cannot go on to infinity, for then it would be no more moved later than earlier. And so, since God is the cause of all created intellectual substances, as is evident from the foregoing, then separate intellectual substances, in knowing their own essence, must know God Himself by way of a vision of some kind. For it was shown in Book One [17, 27] that He is neither the matter nor the form of anything. So, human felicity does not consist in them. [1] If, then, ultimate human felicity does not consist in the knowledge of God, whereby He is known in general by all, or most, men, by a sort of confused appraisal, and again, if it does not consist in the knowledge of God which is known by way of demonstration in the speculative sciences, nor in the cognition of God whereby He is known through faith, as has been shown in the foregoing; and if it is not possible in this life to reach a higher knowledge of God so as to know Him through His essence, or even in such a way that, when the other separate substances are known, God might be known through the knowledge of them, as if from a closer vantage point, as we showed; and if it is necessary to identify ultimate felicity with some sort of knowledge of God, as we proved above; then it is not possible for man’s ultimate felicity to come in this life. So, that whereby many goods are removed from things does not pertain to providence. That divine providence does not entirely exclude freedom of choice, Chapter 74. Therefore, riches are not the highest good for man. And so, the arrangement of kingdoms and the changing of domination from one people to another ought to belong to the ministry of this order. [12] Besides, as long as anything is in motion toward perfection, it is not yet at the ultimate end. A third way is such that the very likeness of the cause, in its effect, is the form by which the effect knows its own cause. Now, in these lower bodies alteration is the source of all motion, for through alteration a thing achieves increase and generation, whereas the agent of generation is a self-mover in the local motion of heavy and light things. How one thinks about its substance most like God will be discovered to be identified with honors then. 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